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My vision is a thriving OPRF where ambitious, student-centered initiatives are supported by responsible financial decisions.


As a board member, I will prioritize the following:

Deliberate financial management and long-term stability for the district

As a representative of the community, I will take the financial aspects of my work on the board very seriously. People move to our communities for the schools, because they want their kids to have access to quality academics, great teachers, arts and music, athletics, clubs and support services … all in facilities that are modern and safe. The challenge of providing all of this, while also keeping our communities affordable, is significant. Meeting this challenge is one of the most important roles of a member of the board, and I am prepared to approach all decisions with this balance in mind.

A high-quality academic experience for all students

Students at OPRF follow many academic paths, and we have a responsibility to ensure that we offer high quality programs that prepare all students for their next steps. Providing career pathways, offering vocational training, and preparing students for college are all important roles for the high school. As a board member, I will advocate for a data-informed approach to program evaluation, with a focus on monitoring outcomes, celebrating progress, and using data to identify things that may not be working as expected.

Measurable progress toward equity goals

Every student at OPRF must have the opportunities and resources to achieve their potential, without race or economic status being a determinant. The district has identified racial equity – eliminating race, socioeconomic status, and other social factors as predictors of students' academic achievement and social emotional growth – as a strategic priority. As a board member, I will support the equity initiatives that are already underway, encourage the district to continue to innovate, and advocate for the resources needed to make this work possible.


Calm and engaged leadership as the district navigates unpredictable times.

My approach to decision-making is informed by my values and my belief that every student should feel safe, welcome, included and supported at school. As the national political environment shifts in ways that may systematically endanger immigrant students and families, transgender students and their families, and others, I will work to make OPRF a place where all students can feel safe and can focus on their learning.


We can’t predict what is ahead of us in the next few years, but I can pledge to serve the community and to keep the well-being of our students at the center of the board’s agenda.


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